helm repo add datarobot-oss https://github.com/datarobot-oss/helm-charts
helm search repo datarobot-oss
helm install my-release datarobot-oss/<chart>
Contributions are welcome ❤️
This repository has multiple Github Actions to ensure quality is high, these include:
have all values documentedAll chart README.md
files are generated from a template. This ensures all values are documented and that formatting is consistent. See here about how the table of values is produced and how to add descriptions to your chart values.
Follow these steps:
: docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/helm-docs" jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 --template-files ./ci/README.md.gotmpl
[stable/<chart name>]: <description>
All commands to be run from the root of this repo.
brew install chart-testing
pip3 install yamale yamllint
ct lint --charts stable/<chart>
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/helm-charts" avtodev/markdown-lint:v1.5.0 --config /helm-charts/ci/markdown-lint.yaml /helm-charts/**/*.md
To generate chart README.md
files from the template:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/helm-docs" jnorwood/helm-docs:v1.11.0 --template-files ./ci/README.md.gotmpl
brew tap instrumenta/instrumenta
brew install conftest
sh ci/helm-conftest.sh